Thank you for booking SWIM Camp for your child/children this spring/summer!
In order to confirm and hold your spot(s) We need to collect your payment by check or in cash. Payment must be received within one week of registration to hold camp spots. SWIM Camp spots that are not paid for after one week will be cancelled without notice.
PLEASE NOTE: Payment instructions are different for EACH service (SWIM with Libby, SWIM with Staff, SWIM Lessons on Location and SWIM Camp). Please read EACH confirmation link - they are not all the same. Thank you!!
Paying by check?
Mail or drop off a check in my mailbox for $300 per child made out to “Libby Souder”:
Libby Souder
4732 Quail Lane
Columbia, SC 29206
Paying by cash?
Text me at 803-238-2148 when you are on the way so I can make sure someone is home to give you a receipt. Thanks so much!***
Please print out and read the detailed information below regarding SWIM Camp with all the info on where we are located, what to wear, bring and where to park etc. We are really looking forward to working with your child this summer!
Thank You!
Libby Souder
SWIM Columbia
SWIM Camp Information and Instructions
We are so excited that your child/children will be joining us for Swim Camp this summer. During your child’s booked week we will meet Monday through Thursday from 1:00-3:00 at - 14 Dandridge Court, Columbia, SC 29209 which is just off Old Woodland's road behind the VA Hospital.
We use the carpool and drop off system at all of our SWIM Camp locations. Just pull into the culdasac on the right side and circle around counter clockwise until you're in front of 14 Dandridge Court. Our staff will pick up children from your car to make it easy for you to drop off and pick up and MOST IMPORTANTLY to ease the traffic in front of the house. Say your goodbyes in the car (we can even get them out of their car seats for you - this is a full service camp you get to relax and have two hours off) and we will help them down the driveway to check in and a fun welcome activity. Do not worry if your child cries or is hesitant. We have the VERY best staff that is seasoned at working camp and getting everyone relaxed and happy. Transitions can be hard so we like to make that drop off quick and as painless as possible. If your child were to stay upset we would of course call you. Please do not get out of your car to help us keep the flow of carpool moving. Just wait in line until we pull you forward and come to your car to get your child(ren) out. It’s important for us to do it this way to ensure safety and keep track of who is coming and going on our check in sheet and so that cars aren’t pulling out and around each other. SWIM Camp is a drop off day camp, no parents/guardians/caregivers are allowed to attend camp with their child due to space limitations, potential distractions and liability. Thank you for understanding.
We will also will be double checking allergy info, the person picking up your child and cell phone numbers at drop off. We will be serving push up popsicles at camp and plenty of water - your child doesn’t need to bring ANY food, drinks or water with them. We also would like to keep items to a minimum to limit the amount of things they need to keep up with it.
We are going to have a GREAT time - don't forget to dress your swimmer in his/her swim suit and coverup with flip flops or crocs and send a towel with his or her named marked on it somewhere. Please apply sunscreen before you leave the house - it NEEDS time to dry on the child's body in order to be effective, otherwise it rubs right off into the water. If you think your child MIGHT need to reapply during the day just let us know at drop off and put the tube or bottle in their bag and we can do that for them. Pick up after camp from the carpool line going in the same direction…enter at the mailbox and pull all the way forward to the tree. Please wait for us to bring your child to you.
What do I do if it's raining?
The weather in the spring and summer months in Columbia can change quickly. If it is lightly raining we will try to continue to swim. Please come to Swim Camp unless you hear from me. We can always go into the house on the ground level to the game room and read books, play games and sing songs etc while we wait for storms to pass if needed. If we do decide to cancel I will let you know as soon as possible by email and text.
Late Pick Ups?
Children not picked up promptly at 3:00 at the end of SWIM Camp have occasionally been a problem in the past. We realize emergencies happen but we have private SWIM Lessons that are scheduled to follow camp each day so we need to make sure children are picked up on time. Please be sure that nanny’s, grandparents, babysitters etc know the correct pick up time, location and carpool rules. All late pick ups past 3:05 will incur an additional fee.
If you have an emergency and need to contact us during camp please text (she won't be able to answer the phone) Rebekah McLawhorn at (803) 360-3935. She's our kindergarten teacher who heads up all the activities and bathroom breaks, snacks etc outside of the pool. Since I am in the water the entire time, I will not be able to check my phone.
No Shows, Cancellations, Illnesses and Conflicts:
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer refunds or reschedules for any reason. SWIM Camps and lessons are nontransferable. Please be sure to note SWIM Lesson dates and times on your calendar. We can’t WAIT to see you!
Thanks so much for your help! We’re looking forward to another FUN and successful summer of SWIM camps!
Libby Souder
SWIM Columbia